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Spectral Revelations: A Karina Cardinal Mystery (Book 6)

Karina’s aunt is missing—along with a list of historic treasures. Is she a victim or guilty party?

Karina is trying to keep her mind on getting a cosponsor for a bill, but it’s tough with her Mom blowing up her phone. By the time Karina finally stops hitting “ignore”, Mom is frantic. It appears Karina’s Aunt Vera has disappeared, fibbed to her employer about the reason for her absence, even abandoned her beloved cat, Nightshade—which is completely out of character. Karina would bet her favorite pair of designer shoes that Vera is in some kind of trouble.

However, when Karina hauls her cookies from D.C. to historic Williamsburg to search Vera’s house, she finds nothing suspicious. Except for a mischievous Civil War ghost who scares the bejesus out of her and keeps trashing Vera’s office. Until Karina realizes his seemingly random ectoplasmic tantrums have a purpose—revealing key evidence.

Something is definitely fishy, but the clues aren’t adding up. And as the spirit’s visitations become more urgent, Karina calls on reinforcements for help—her latest squeeze Rick Donovan and her sister Jillian. Because the cops are following faulty leads, which could put Vera on the wrong end of an arrest warrant … if she’s found alive.

“A believable and intriguing plot, a snappy pace, and some laugh out loud moments, particularly one involving a certain reptile named Salazar, flesh out this highly entertaining mystery whose realistic characters you will miss like old friends when it’s over.” – Judith Gonda, Author of the Tory Benning Mysteries

“Another fun installment in this series.” – Author Melanie Jackson

Read the First Chapter of Spectral Revelations

Now Available in ebook, print, audio


Operation Blackbird: A Cold War Spy Novel

Her mission could tip the balance of power…or spark World War III.

October, 1952. The war is over, but for CIA officer Miriam Becker, memories of the horrors she witnessed remain jagged in her mind. While vacationing in Argentina, recovering from a mission that nearly killed her, she’s seeing more ghosts from the past than the sights. When a longtime family friend and fellow operative, Jake Devlin, tracks her down, Miriam is forced to push everything to the back of her mind for the next mission: help a highly prized and heavily guarded rocket scientist defect from Soviet-controlled East Berlin—right out from under the KGB’s nose.

Well aware that one wrong move could spark World War III, Miriam, Jake, and the team plan their strategy to the last detail. But when a betrayal brings everything crashing down, Jake’s quick thinking creates the diversion to get Miriam out alive—but leaves him trapped behind the Iron Curtain. Unsure of whom she can trust, Miriam must complete the mission by relying on contacts outside of the agency, even though her heart longs to return to East Berlin to rescue the man who is the last link  to her troubled past … before the KGB gets to him first.

Next Generation Indie Book Award Winner! – First Place Historical Fiction (2023)


2023 Adventure Writers Competition – Top 10 Finalist (2023)

“The presence of a strong female lead adds a feather to the astounding hat that this novel dons.” – InD’tale Magazine

“Author Butler knows her stuff…” – Historical Novel Society Review

“…thrilling and cinematic, with tension that will have readers eagerly turning the pages to see what comes next.” – Manhattan Book Review

“A deftly crafted and fully reader engaging novel with many an unexpected plot twist and turn, “Operational Blackbird” by Ellen Butler will have a special appeal to readers with an interest in Cold War era spy novels.” – Midwest Book Review

Read the first chapter click HERE! 




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