Today I am in hog heaven because it is National Doughnut Day. Where else but America would we create a day for the exalted Doughnut? According to Wikipedia – “National Doughnut Day is on the first Friday of June each year, succeeding the Doughnut Day event created by The Salvation Army in 1938 to honor the women who served doughnuts to soldiers during World War I.” According to doughnut history, in 1920 Adoph Levitt, a refugee from czarist Russia, invented the first doughnut machine. And by 1934, at the World’s Fair in Chicago, doughnuts were billed as “the hit food of the Century of Progress.” Legend says that dunking doughnuts first became a trend when actress Mae Murray accidentally dropped a doughnut in her coffee one day at Lindy’s Deli on Broadway. In the 1934 film It Happened One Night newspaperman Clark Gable teaches young runaway heiress Claudette Colbert how to dunk. In 1937 a popular song proclaimed that you can live on coffee and doughnuts if “you’re in love.”
What’s even better than celebrating the lard-fried, finger-licking, mouth-melting, doughy goodness? The fact that major franchises began giving out their calorie-laden, morning breakfast confections to the general public back in 2009. Today they are doing it again! Yes, you heard right. Stop by Krispy Kreme to receive a free doughnut, no purchase necessary. (I’ve provided the link so you can locate the store closest to you and drive there now!) No Krispy Kreme? No worries, you can swing into your local Dunkin’ Donuts and get a free doughnut with purchase of a drink. If you don’t have either one of these two shops in your area, check your neighborhood doughnut peddlers to see if they are participating in the madness. Aren’t you excited? I am.
The affair continues today and my love of doughnuts has been passed along to my children. Our donut of choice comes from Shopper’s Food. A local grocery store? That’s right. Not the doughnut shop. Our local grocery store supplies us with a treat they label the COLOSSAL DONUT. It is a drool-worthy lump of fat of epic proportions, and they are my family’s favorite brand. Homer Simpson would be in ecstasy and bypass his precious Lard Lad Donuts for the Colossal Donut. If you have a Shopper’s Food in your area I recommend you try one. (Not today. They aren’t free today. Go next weekend.)
Well, I could write more’s getting late… I must dash to my own Dunkin’ Donuts to get my free one before they run out! Happy Doughnut hunting.
This blog entry reminds me so much of the time we moved to Houston. Our hotel for almost 3 weeks was RIGHT next to a Krispy Kreme donut shop. I gained over 10 lbs. I learned what the HOT NOW sign meant…and used it to my advantage. Box Krispy Kremes are nothing like fresh ones… mmmmm, I like doughnuts just because when you put a box of doughnuts on the counter at 11pm, everyone in the house wakes up very happy 🙂 And no dirty dishes 😉
Yes! See doughnuts are so easy. One box, one napkin, no mess!
Oh Ellen this is such a cute post. I’m texting my son now to tell him because I know he has no idea it’s Donut Day! I have to use your link to find the closest one. I love your writing.
Thanks for stopping by Patricia. Please share away, if I could, I’d stand atop my roof with a megaphone announcing to the world that today is National Donut Day!
Doughnuts…*le sigh* Now I have a craving.
There’s a lovely little doughnut shop in the town next to mine that makes delicious doughnuts that truly melt in your mouth. I rarely go because, well, it’s in the town next to mine and driving all that way for doughnuts seems silly.
Oddly enough, I don’t like frosting. On anything. Powdered sugar and glazed are yummy though. I also am not a big fan of Krispy Kreme, although they have a few specials that I go a little nuts for. . .. . .their lemon doughnuts and S’mores doughnuts. I’m not sure which months those are served, but if you haven’t tried them, you really must. When they start making the lemon ones I’m seriously tempted to buy a dozen dozens and freeze them. Lemon makes everything better. :. . .)
Mmmm… haven’t tried the S’mores. Sounds delish!
Call your donut shop and see if they are offering up freebies for the day. Trust me, the drive will be worth it!
In high school, my friends and I would go to the KK in Annandale . . .. . . after school or in the evening . . .. . . order a dozen each and sit in the car and eat them all . . .. . . every last morsel and icing crumb.
My husband has 3 KK’s every Saturday and Sunday morning. We buy them fresh on Friday night. He microwaves them for 20 seconds before eating . . .. . . taste just like the ones you get when the red light is on at the stores. Wish I could open a store in McLean. Thanks Ellen, I’m leaving for the closest KK right now!
Run, Marilyn. RUN! before they run out. I always knew I liked your husband. We used to sell KK donuts to raise money for band. It wasy $2 for a dozen. Wonder what a dozen costs now.
Favorite doughnut place: Maple Doughnuts in PA. Why? Because they actually serve maple doughnuts.
Second favorite: Dunkin’, because it has great coffee and Munchkins.
Least favorite: Krispy Kreme. I know it’s sacrilege, but I don’t like them at all.
Sad day this week when the local Krispy Kreme, one of the original shops, burned and will not reopen. Many are in mourning…
AAACK! The Krispy Kreme burned? A moment of silence please as I mourn……………………..
We used to have an awesome little local shop called Pam E Kays near us. Ah, just remembering the deliciousness makes me sad to think about it’s empty shell of a storefront. No longer filled with the scents of the wonderful fattening delicacies.
You had me at Krispy Creme….great post!
Dunkin’ donuts is closest to me. Just got home from getting my freebie. I am now sated.